- Download the GitHub files
containing all the source codes and scripts, or clone the respository:
$ git clone https://github.com/wilderlopes/OpenGA.git
- Install Docker.
The procedure varies by operating system. Go
here for Linux and here for Windows
or Mac OS.
- It is time to download the OpenGA Docker image. There are three ways of doing it:
- Whatever is the alternative chosen above, you should now have the OpenGA Docker image available. To check it, run the following command (Linux users):
$ docker images
You should expect an output similar to
wilderlopes/openga latest beb957393d05 About an hour ago 2.45GB
- It is time to run the image. Go inside the folder you downloaded (cloned) from the GitHub
$ cd OpenGA
You will find the file "start.sh". Run it like
$ ./start.sh
This file runs the Docker image, creating a container. You will find yourself
inside the container, in the directory '/home/openga' (notice that the prompt changes, showing
the container ID -- it will be a different one for you). A welcome message is printed:
root@2095a07347a0:/home/openga# Welcome to OpenGA! Please have a look on the README file or access www.openga.org.
- Let's run a simulation to check if everything works as expected. Navigate to the python scripts directory:
root@2095a07347a0:/home/openga# cd scripts/GAAFs_standard/python/
There you find the python script 'gaafs.py', which you can run as
root@2095a07347a0:/home/openga/scripts/GAAFs_standard/python# python gaafs.py
It will run 100 realizations, each with 1000 iterations, of the GA-LMS (standard) in a
system identification task. The estimated and optimal multivectors are printed on the
terminal, and MSE and EMSE learning curves are saved in the file 'learningCurvesGA-LMS.pdf'
inside the working path. At the moment, the only way to change the coefficients of the plant to be identified (optimal weights)
is modifying the
source codes and rebuilding the binaries.
You can open the file 'learningCurvesGA-LMS.pdf' from your host computer (the container does not have a pdf reader). Go to
$ cd OpenGA/scripts/GAAFs_standard/python
There you will find the same 'learningCurvesGA-LMS.pdf' which you can open with
your pdf reader.